Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What's the word - Clean or Hygiene ?

Almost 8 years ago in Time magazine - I remember learning first about Triclosan.
Triclosan in 2002

And now in 2010..See how it percolated over the years
Triclosan in 2010
In fact, over the last few years, it has been increasingly difficult to find a wash without one.

Now- Read it in context with
Is Dirt Hygienic?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Clay for thought !

Why Kenyan women crave stones


Greek democracy - then and now

Around 340 B.C - Aristotle on Democracy

About 340 Greek drachma converted per Euro as it entered EU

And 3 people killed in violence in less than 40 days since the Greek bonds were oversubscribed by up to 3 times.