Chennai taxi driver. Makes about 600 rupees per day. Spends about 200 per day on daily loan payment (at 15% interest) for his 5th grade son in English school to pay school fees of 50k per year .
Left his agricultural land in Tiruvannamalai district as he cannot find people to work on farm land anymore...because he says people have access to easy money with little work thanks to NREGA. (National Rural Employment Guarantee)
Looking forward to return to his village after his son gets into college.. Story of another immigrant (village to city).
His son is doing very well( first rank) in school.
Left his agricultural land in Tiruvannamalai district as he cannot find people to work on farm land anymore...because he says people have access to easy money with little work thanks to NREGA. (National Rural Employment Guarantee)
Looking forward to return to his village after his son gets into college.. Story of another immigrant (village to city).
His son is doing very well( first rank) in school.